Thursday, 7 November 2019

 Mr and Mrs Beaver arrived home from their lovely romantic trip to Paris, to find their house completely transformed! Mr Neptune who was looking after the little ones while they were away, took it upon himself to decorate the Beavers house for Halloween!

"Well, things have certainly changed since we left 3 days ago!"

Michael couldn't wait to give his Momma and Poppa a big welcome cuddle. He ran as fast as his little legs could carry him only something was holding him back.

"Oh Sweetheart, you're supposed to decorate the house, not yourself!"

Mr Beaver put his hands on his hips, raised his eyebrows and proclaimed that this just wouldn't do. 

"If we're going to decorate the house for Halloween, we're going to do it properly!"

With helping hand from all the family, the Beavers had the scariest house in the whole of Sylvania! Maybe a bit too scary...

"Poppa, I can see through my hands!"