Saturday, 28 October 2017

Little Renee Riding Hood

As a thank you for all their handwork this summer season at the seaside restaurant, Mrs Beaver asked Renee to send some freshly baked goods to the Neptune family. It was starting to get a little colder now, so Renee found her favourite red riding coat and bundled up.

"If you get hungry on the way, I'm sure they won't mind you eating one or two"

The pathway to the Neptune's home was quite dark. Renee felt a little scarred, and she was sure there was something lurking in the woods behind her.

"If I stick to the path, I'll be fine…"

But Renee took a wrong turn and ended up lost in the woods. She then heard a rustle from the bushes behind her. She turned quickly to see…


A Wolf!


But she was wrong, it wasn't a wolf at all. It was little Michael dressed up as a cat on his way to the Sylvanian Halloween Jamboree!

"I scarred you good and proper sis!"

Sunday, 22 October 2017

Pumpkin Patch

Mrs Beavers autumn flowers are in full bloom this year. All the hard work had paid off planting the bulbs back in june.

"Momma you have such green-fingers!"

Over the fence at Walnut Grove, Mr Walnut's pumpkin patch was coming along nicely too.

"I'm going to need some help with this harvest!"

Everyone came to help, even the little ones!

"Poppa, this one would make a fantastic jack 'o Lantern!"

Mrs Walnut had a great idea, she busied herself in the kitchen rustling up her famous pumpkin spiced pecan cake. She popped one over the fence with some freshly squeezed lemonade for the gardening girls!

"Here you are ladies, you look like you need a break!"

The cake went down a treat!

"Michael that's your third slice!!"

Tuesday, 3 October 2017

Collecting sea shells

 The boys found some beautiful shells on the beach. Mrs Beaver suggested they collected as many as possible, she had a great idea!

"You can hear the sea!"
"well we are stood in front of it!"

Mrs beaver dug out all of her craft items, she was going to show the boys how to make a beautiful seashell wreath for the restaurant

"Momma, its stuck to my hand!"

The finished product looked so good, Mrs Beaver proudly nailed it to the front door of the restaurant. 

"Well done boys, it's beautiful!"