Friday, 29 January 2021

Draw me like one of your French girls

Mr and Mrs B’s bedroom was still left unfinished, so Renee, being quite nifty with a sewing machine and having a keen eye for patterns and colours, thought she’d help them out and make the bedding and curtains herself.

They will get there bedroom finished before the decades out!

Mr and Mrs B couldn’t believe their eyes, what a wonderful surprise! The once white sheets, now a bright pink worked wonderfully with the grey and patterned fabric. They couldn’t of done a better job themselves. 

“Oh Renee, we love them! We’re so proud of you!”
“We just need some art on the wall. I have an idea. Mrs B, will you join me in my studio?”

The most beautiful thing Mr B has ever drawn is his lovely wife. His idea was to make a collection of drawings celebrating just how lovely she is.

Mr B, draw me like one of your French Girls”
“I’ve only ever drawn the Eiffel Tower, but I’ll try my best!”

The drawings were all framed and mounted onto the wall. The bedroom was finally complete. Mrs B couldn’t believe how luxurious it looked!

“Look everyone! You can see Mommas bum bum!”
“It’s Art Michael, you’re so immature! I love them Momma, they’re so beautiful!”